Plastic surgery
in Seattle WA

Facial Plastic Surgery in Pacific Northwest

In the Pacific Northwest, individuals seeking top-tier facial plastic surgery can find exceptional expertise with Dr. William Portuese and Dr. Joseph Shvidler. These highly skilled and board-certified facial plastic surgeons specialize in a range of procedures, including rhinoplasty, facelifts, and eyelid surgery. Discover the transformative possibilities of facial plastic surgery in the scenic Pacific Northwest region of the United States.

Key Takeaways:

  • Dr. William Portuese and Dr. Joseph Shvidler are board-certified facial plastic surgeons.
  • They specialize in rhinoplasty, facelifts, and eyelid surgery.
  • The Pacific Northwest offers a picturesque setting for facial plastic surgery.
  • Facial plastic surgery can enhance facial features and boost self-confidence.
  • Dr. Portuese and Dr. Shvidler provide exceptional expertise and deliver transformative results.

Meet Dr William Portuese

Dr William Portuese is a renowned facial plastic surgeon based in the scenic Pacific Northwest. With extensive experience and expertise in performing rhinoplasty and facelift procedures, Dr Portuese is highly sought after by individuals seeking transformative facial enhancements.

As a board-certified facial plastic surgeon, Dr Portuese is committed to delivering exceptional results while ensuring the safety and satisfaction of his patients. He combines his surgical skills with an artistic eye to achieve natural and harmonious outcomes, helping patients enhance their facial features and boost their self-confidence.

Individuals considering rhinoplasty or facelift procedures can trust Dr William Portuese to provide personalized care and support throughout their transformative journey. With his passion for perfection and commitment to his patients' well-being, Dr Portuese is dedicated to helping individuals achieve their desired facial rejuvenation goals.

Meet Dr Joseph Shvidler

Dr Joseph Shvidler is a highly skilled and board-certified facial plastic surgeon specializing in facelifts and eyelid surgery. With his meticulous attention to detail and artistic approach, Dr Shvidler helps patients achieve a more youthful and refreshed appearance. His expertise in facial rejuvenation procedures allows him to deliver exceptional results, providing patients with increased self-confidence and satisfaction.

As a trusted facial plastic surgeon, Dr Shvidler understands that each patient is unique and requires personalized care. He takes the time to listen to his patients' concerns and goals, ensuring that he develops a treatment plan that aligns with their individual needs. Dr Shvidler's advanced surgical techniques and comprehensive understanding of facial anatomy enable him to create natural-looking and harmonious results.

Dr Shvidler's commitment to excellence extends beyond the operating room. He believes in maintaining open and transparent communication with his patients, ensuring they are well-informed about their procedures, expected outcomes, and any potential risks or complications. Dr Shvidler's compassionate and patient-centered approach fosters a trusting doctor-patient relationship built on mutual respect.

Facelift Expertise

Dr Shvidler's expertise in facelift surgery allows him to address various concerns such as sagging skin, deep wrinkles, and loss of facial volume. He utilizes advanced techniques to lift and tighten the underlying facial muscles, resulting in a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance. Dr Shvidler's aim is to achieve natural-looking results that enhance the patient's features while preserving their unique facial characteristics.

"I believe that facelift surgery should not only restore a more youthful appearance but also reflect the patient's individual beauty. My goal is to help my patients feel confident and rejuvenated, while still looking like themselves."

Dr Shvidler's patients appreciate his dedication to providing the highest quality care and his commitment to ongoing education and training. He continually stays up to date with the latest advancements in facial plastic surgery to ensure that his patients receive the most innovative and effective treatments available.

Facelift Expertise Highlights
Natural-looking results Dr Shvidler's skilled approach ensures that patients achieve results that look natural and harmonious with their existing features.
Customized treatment plans Dr Shvidler understands that each patient is unique and creates individualized treatment plans tailored to their specific needs and goals.
Advanced surgical techniques Dr Shvidler utilizes the latest surgical techniques to deliver superior results, minimizing scarring and optimizing healing.
Compassionate care Dr Shvidler's compassionate and patient-centered approach ensures that his patients feel comfortable, supported, and well-informed throughout their journey.

Rhinoplasty Expertise

When it comes to rhinoplasty, also known as nasal surgery or nose reshaping, both Dr William Portuese and Dr Joseph Shvidler showcase exceptional expertise. They are highly sought-after facial plastic surgeons with a wealth of experience in performing rhinoplasty procedures.

With their skillful techniques and personalized approach, Dr Portuese and Dr Shvidler address both functional and aesthetic concerns related to the nose. This includes correcting breathing difficulties caused by structural issues such as deviated septums, as well as enhancing or reshaping the nose for aesthetic improvements.

Functional and Aesthetic Improvements

Dr Portuese and Dr Shvidler understand that each patient has unique needs and desired outcomes. They take the time to listen to their patients, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of their goals for rhinoplasty. Through meticulous planning and precise execution, they deliver natural and harmonious results that blend seamlessly with the patient's facial features.

"We believe that rhinoplasty is both an art and a science. It is our responsibility as facial plastic surgeons to not only address functional issues but also enhance the overall aesthetic of the nose. Our patients' satisfaction and well-being are our top priorities."

- Dr William Portuese and Dr Joseph Shvidler

With their unmatched expertise and commitment to patient care, Dr Portuese and Dr Shvidler have earned a reputation as leading rhinoplasty surgeons in the Pacific Northwest and beyond. Patients who choose them for their rhinoplasty procedures benefit from their extensive knowledge and skillful techniques, resulting in improved nasal function and enhanced facial harmony.

Facelift Transformation

Dr William Portuese and Dr Joseph Shvidler specialize in facelift procedures that can dramatically improve signs of aging, including sagging skin, deep creases, and loss of facial volume. By employing advanced surgical techniques, they can help patients achieve a more youthful and revitalized appearance.

"With our facelift procedures, we aim to give our patients a renewed sense of confidence and a more youthful appearance. We understand that sagging skin and other signs of aging can have a significant impact on self-esteem, and our goal is to provide natural-looking results that enhance our patients' overall facial rejuvenation."

- Dr William Portuese

"Facelift surgery is a transformative procedure that can address laxity in the skin, deep wrinkles, and other signs of facial aging. By carefully tailoring each surgery to the individual patient, we are able to create a more youthful and refreshed appearance. Our commitment to excellence and patient satisfaction sets us apart in the field of facelift surgery."

- Dr Joseph Shvidler

With their expertise and dedication to delivering natural-looking results, Dr Portuese and Dr Shvidler have become trusted names in the field of facelift surgery. Their facelift procedures can help patients regain a more youthful appearance, restoring confidence and a sense of vitality.


At Dr William Portuese and Dr Joseph Shvidler's facial plastic surgery practice in the Pacific Northwest, we specialize in providing exceptional surgical solutions to enhance your natural beauty and achieve transformative results. With expertise in rhinoplasty, facelifts, and eyelid surgery, our board-certified surgeons are dedicated to delivering outstanding outcomes that rejuvenate your appearance and boost your self-confidence.

Under the skilled care of Dr Portuese and Dr Shvidler, patients in the Pacific Northwest can experience the artistry of facial plastic surgery. Our surgeons prioritize personalized care, taking the time to understand your unique goals and developing tailored treatment plans to help you achieve the facial enhancements you desire.

Choose facial plastic surgery in the scenic Pacific Northwest with Dr William Portuese and Dr Joseph Shvidler to embark on a transformative journey that will leave you with natural-looking results and a renewed sense of self. Discover the possibilities and experience the lasting transformation that our expertise brings.


What procedures do Dr William Portuese and Dr Joseph Shvidler specialize in?

Dr William Portuese specializes in rhinoplasty and facelift procedures, while Dr Joseph Shvidler specializes in facelifts and eyelid surgery.

Are Dr William Portuese and Dr Joseph Shvidler board-certified?

Yes, both Dr William Portuese and Dr Joseph Shvidler are board-certified facial plastic surgeons.

What is rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that involves reshaping and enhancing the nose for both functional and aesthetic purposes.

What does a facelift address?

A facelift is a surgical procedure that can address signs of aging, including sagging skin, deep creases, and loss of facial volume.

What is eyelid surgery?

Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is a procedure to remove excess skin and fat from the eyelids, resulting in a more youthful and refreshed appearance.